Management Consultancies

Start date: 26-10-2015 - 00:00
End date: 09-11-2015 - 23:59

Welcome to the commercial dialogue concerning "management consultancies" for the UNFCCC secretariat.


The UNFCCC secretariat solicits on a regular basis for a variety of management consultants for various projects. It is the desire of the secretariat to establish a multi-source framework agreement for the provision of such services in a number of categories, namely Human Resources, Systems and Control, Organizational development, Business Procedures and Optimization and finally Strategy and Business Development.

The aim of this dialogue is to harvest experience from the market prior to soliciting for the framework agreement in order to optimize the statement of work and ensure that the solicitation provides the desired output.

You are encouraged to comment on any part of the statement of work as well as providing thoughts/feedback on the different categories and criteria. All comments and suggestions will be carefully considered prior to issuing the official solicitation document.

How to participate: 

  1. Log in at and access the commercial dialogue you wish to participate in;
  2. Read the material - attached in documents under each focus area/sub-point;
  3. Submit comments, information or questions related to the focus area.

ATTENTION: You must have a login in order to participate in the dialogue. If you do not have one yet, you can sign up in the top left corner of the screen. Registration and participation in the dialogue is free of charge.

About the UNFCCC and the secretariat: 

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is the basis of the intergovernmental negotiating process to address the global problem of climate change.  That process is serviced by the Climate Change Secretariat (“the secretariat”).  The secretariat supports the implementation of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol by a range of activities, including through substantive and organizational support to meetings of Governments.  In this context, it organizes major conferences at locations around the world, provides web-based services to clients in 189 countries and operates various mandated information systems supporting the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms.  The secretariat is institutionally linked to the United Nations and administered under United Nations Rules and Regulations.

The secretariat currently has about 500 staff members working in a variety of fields, including climate change related topics, intergovernmental negotiation support, regulatory management, capacity building, standards development, administration, management, law, logistics, communication and outreach and IT. Staff come from a wide range of geographical, cultural and functional backgrounds. The working language of the secretariat is English.  The vast majority of staff is located in Bonn, Germany, with a small number of staff (below 25) located in offices worldwide.