Homologation of 7 Dosto coaches - Homologation of 7 Dosto coaches for certified operation with DSB in DenmarkVarer og tjenesteydelser på 500.000 kr. og derover

invitation of tenders details

Udbud.dk ID:
Homologation of 7 Dosto coaches - Homologation of 7 Dosto coaches for certified operation with DSB in Denmark
Frame Agreement:
Sub Agreement 1: Advisory Consultancy
Sub Agreement 2: Certification
Place of delivery:
Not specified
Tender type:
Tender below the threshold values
Tender procedure:
Ikke angivet
Type of job:
Services in general
Date of publication:
13-09-2024 - 17:00
Deadline for requesting participation:
25-09-2024 - 16:00
Not specified
Contracting entity wants feedback:
Not specified
Selection criteria:
The Contracting Entity will base its assessment on the following sub-criteria for each sub-agreement: Sub-agreement 1: Advisory/Consultancy: 1) Price 40% For Advisory/Consultancy - the award criterion is the best price-quality ratio: Assessed based on the total evaluation technical price. The total evaluation technical price is calculated as the base cost for advisory/consultancy scope, cf. Appendix 4. 2) Process description 25% Tenderers must include a process description, homologation plan, and in detail describe how homologation will be performed. Every process/milestone should be described including how documents are obtained and how relevant stakeholders are involved (Suppliers, NSA (Trafikstyrelsen), and certification consultants). It is positively weighted if the process is described in detail and the processes are realistic according to the timetable in the specification of requirements. 3) References 25% Tenderers must include at least two and a maximum of three relevant references from projects with comparable homologation processes within the railway sector, in the last 5 years. The projects must be described in sufficient detail to assess their relevance. It is positively weighted if the references demonstrate experience with refurbishment projects within the railway sector. 4) CV’s 10% Tenderers must attach the CVs of the team of consultants who will perform the task. The consultants must have over 5 years of experience in homologation. Additionally, the consultants must have experience with type approvals within NSA (Trafikstyrelsen). It is positively weighted that the CVs together can document relevant professional competencies. Sub-agreement 2: Certification: For certification services - the award criterion is the best price-quality ratio: 1) Price 40% Assessed based on the total evaluation technical price. The total evaluation technical price is calculated as the base cost for certification scope, cf. Appendix 4. 2) Process description 30% Tenderers must include a process description, homologation plan, and in detail describe how homologation will be performed. Every process/milestone should be described including how documents are obtained and how relevant stakeholders are involved (Suppliers, NSA (Trafikstyrelsen), and certification consultants). It is positively weighted if the process is described in detail and the processes are realistic according to the timetable in the specification of requirements. 3) References 30% Tenderers must include at least two and a maximum of three relevant references from projects with comparable homologation processes within the railway sector, in the last 5 years. The projects must be described in sufficient detail to assess their relevance. It is positively weighted if the references demonstrate experience with refurbishment projects within the railway sector.
Award criterion:
Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Weighting of criterion:
Not specified
71311230 - Railway engineering services

Contracting Authority

Type of contrating entity:
Contracting Authority:
Telegade 2
Postal code/City:
2630 Taastrup

Recipient of tender

Not specified


Søren Rose
+45 24683350
Email :

[T] "Indberettet på vegne af"

Telegade 2
Postal code/City:
2630 Taastrup
The frame agreement for both sub-agreements is estimated to represent a value between DKK 1.0 - 2.8 million; for the contract period.

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