9298 - Purchase of a Portable Ultrasound Research SystemVarer og tjenesteydelser på 500.000 kr. og derover

invitation of tenders details

Udbud.dk ID:
9298 - Purchase of a Portable Ultrasound Research System
DTU requires a programmable ultrasound research scanner with appropriate support. The research scanner should support GE probes and be programmable through a Matlab interface. Support for the C++ programming interface would be a plus. The system should also provide a trigger output to synchronize with other external devices. In terms of the transmit front end, the system should have at least 128 transmit channels with programmable transmit waveform. The transmit voltage should be adjustable from 5Vpp to 100 Vpp. It is important that the system can support probes with more than 128 elements. As for the receive end, the system must have at least 64 parallel re-ceive channels sampling at 40 MHz or more. The system needs to give access to the raw channel RF data for each channel, and the data need to be streamed to a host PC for processing at 32 Gbps or more transfer rate through a PCIe connection. The receive gain should be at least 48 dB and be programmable.
Place of delivery:
Not specified
Tender type:
Tender below the threshold values
Tender procedure:
Ikke angivet
Type of job:
Date of publication:
04-09-2024 - 14:30
Deadline for requesting participation:
26-09-2024 - 12:00
Not specified
Contracting entity wants feedback:
Not specified
Selection criteria:
Not specified
Award criterion:
Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Weighting of criterion:
Not specified
33112300 - Ultrasound scanners
38000000 - Laboratory, optical and precision equipments (excl. glasses)

Contracting Authority

Type of contrating entity:
Contracting Authority:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Postal code/City:
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Email :


Pia Blume
+45 93511388
Email :

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