9231 - Purchase of market studies and insights into the global Denim IndustryVarer og tjenesteydelser på 500.000 kr. og derover

invitation of tenders details

Udbud.dk ID:
9231 - Purchase of market studies and insights into the global Denim Industry
a. DTU seeks to address several critical needs essential for the successful development and global market introduction of the chemical-free textile dyeing innovation. These needs include understanding consumer preferences and market opportunities through detailed insights and market analysis. The provider needs to provide in-depth consumer insights, competitive landscape evaluations, and access to their extensive insights platform.
b. Strategic guidance and expert support are vital for DTU in assessing the technology's feasibility, making informed decisions, and identifying potential partners. The provider must offer comprehensive technology assessments, expert advisory services, technology scouting, and strategic partner identification. Additionally, they will support the development of innovative business models to create new revenue streams and retain existing customers.
c. Ensuring the innovation meets sustainability goals and complies with regulations is crucial. DTU needs insights on sustainability practices, policy and regulatory guidance, and strategies for digital innovation and operational efficiency. Sustainability strategies and potential risks associated with technological, market, or regulatory changes are also needed.
d. By addressing these needs, the provider will provide the essential expertise and insights to successfully launch and scale the chemical-free textile dyeing innovation in the global market.
Place of delivery:
Not specified
Tender type:
Tender below the threshold values
Tender procedure:
Ikke angivet
Type of job:
Services in general
Date of publication:
19-07-2024 - 14:30
Deadline for requesting participation:
09-08-2024 - 12:00
Not specified
Contracting entity wants feedback:
Not specified
Selection criteria:
Not specified
Award criterion:
Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Weighting of criterion:
Not specified
72221000 - Business analysis consultancy services
73000000 - Research and development services and related consultancy services
73200000 - Research and development consultancy services

Contracting Authority

Type of contrating entity:
Contracting Authority:
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - DTU
Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Postal code/City:
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Email :


Pia Blume
+45 93511388
Email :

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