Tender for a new UASB plantBygge- og anlægsopgaver

invitation of tenders details

Udbud.dk ID:
Tender for a new UASB plant
Faxe Wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) receive wastewater from two industries, Haribo who produce sweets, bonbon, liquorice etc. and Royal Unibrew which is a brewery. The organic load is high from both industries. The wastewater from these industries is pretreated in an existed UASB plant before the final treatment in the main WWTP. The UASB plant has a capacity for 10.000 kg COD/d in summertime and less during wintertime. The UASB plant is more than 20 years old. It is necessary to reduce the COD load from the two industries due to a limited capacity of the main treatment plant in Faxe.

The EPC Contractor shall be responsible for the full project including design, delivery of equipment, tanks and other materials needed, civil works, mechanical installation, electrical installation, etc. The contractor is responsible for detailed design and implementation of all civil works like foundations, buildings, etc. The Employer will be able to suggest Danish civil work contractors, which may assist the Contractor with civil work structures. The tenderer shall indicate in his proposal if he need support to find a subcontractor.
Place of delivery:
Not specified
Tender type:
Tender below the threshold values
Tender procedure:
Type of job:
Building and construction contracts
Date of publication:
07-08-2024 - 17:00
Deadline for requesting participation:
20-08-2024 - 23:55
Contracting entity wants feedback:
Selection criteria:
If the Contracting Authority receives applications from more than 5 suitable applicants, the Contracting Authority selectsthe 5 applicants with the most relevant references, see section 3.1 of the Tender Procedure.
Award criterion:
Bedste forhold mellem pris og kvalitet
Weighting of criterion:
See section 4.4 of the Tender Procedure
45000000 - Construction work
45232420 - Sewage work
90492000 - Sewage treatment consultancy services
34951200 - Sludge-handling equipment
34951300 - Sludge-drier installation

Contracting Authority

Type of contrating entity:
Contracting Authority:
Faxe Spildevand A/S
Jens Chr. Skous Vej 1
Postal code/City:
4690 Haslev
Email :


John Sørensen
+45 60261905
Email :

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